Speaking Your Truth

Oct 21, 2024

There's nothing more powerful than speaking your truth, whether it's in panel discussions, keynotes, meetings, or personal conversations. Being authentic and speaking your truth, regardless of how it may be perceived, allows your words to resonate on a deeper level.

When you speak your truth, the way you speak subconsciously changes with it. You show up with a distinct energy that is picked up by the people you interact with. Authenticity is the condition that allows for this effortless change.

I think one reason why this is so powerful is that you drop the facade you want others to see. One could call these masks. A mask or facade is when you have curated a specific image of how you want to be perceived by others and then spend a lot of energy keeping this mask alive. You do this because you think only in this way people will like you or approve of you. The problem is that masks cost you significant energy unconsciously. The moment you free yourself of the masks is the moment all this energy is set free to be spent on more useful things, allowing you to be your authentic self, which ultimately resonates more deeply with the people around you.

So whenever you speak, aim to speak your truth. Be your authentic self, and eliminate the masks you've curated. This way, you will radiate a genuine energy that resonates with people, which helps you and your words land more deeply.