Going Deeper

Sep 20, 2024

Because of the thinking mind and egocentricity we're all victims of, there are three layers you can break through to delve deeply and discover your most meaningful work.

The first layer you can break through is the voice of judgment to reach a state of open mind. Instead of letting our past experiences and subconscious biases dictate our opinions and decisions, we can become aware of the voice that judges what we hear and learn to listen with a truly open mind.

The second layer you can break through is the voice of cynicism to reach a state of open heart. You begin to acknowledge the overthinking, self-doubting part of you that hinders trusting your highest potential and exploring with an open heart.

The third layer you can break through is the voice of fear to reach a state of open will. Deep down, our decisions and actions are often shattered by underlying fear. Once we learn to acknowledge this fear and let it be without becoming attached, we reach the most powerful layer where we can do our best work.

If you succeed in navigating these layers, you reach a state of letting go and allowing things to unfold naturally—in peace and stillness. This is where the best work happens and where you come closest to your highest potential.

This is what Otto Scharmer teaches in his U theory, and it applies wonderfully to creatives, entrepreneurs, and anyone seeking to delve deep to reach their highest potential.