Everything Is Created By Thought

Aug 21, 2024

A stunning fact I often contemplate is that everything we see in the world is created by thought.

The reason your light turns on when you flip the switch is the result of someone having the idea to put a switch in that exact place and connect it to the lamp. The existence of this switch stems from someone's thought of creating a product. The availability of this product in its current form is due to the collective thoughts of thousands of people who made its creation possible.

You can trace this cascade for everything you see in the world.

Thought is powerful. Nothing happens without a preceding thought. A thought is simply energy seeking expression, or potential seeking actualization.

In this sequence, thought becomes the limiting factor in what you do. If you cannot conceive something in your thoughts, you will never be able to create it.

It doesn't matter where you believe thoughts come from - whether it's your genius or your soul. However, we need to acknowledge the power of thoughts and recognize that they create things in our world. Everything is created by thought.