Daily Purpose Alignment

Jul 12, 2024

A practice I've started to adopt in my life is asking myself one question every morning:

What's the purpose of today?

Some days, this takes me seconds to answer. Other days, it takes much longer as I contemplate and sense what I want the purpose of this day to be.

Why is this question useful?

To me, it aligns your actions with the greater happenings in the world and your life. When running a company, it forces you to think about your greatest potential contribution on a given day. You start to consider the biggest lever you can pull, which often ends up being work on one specific constraining factor to your company's growth. Checking in on the day's purpose urges you to think beyond the daily, zoomed-in level, and go to a more zoomed-out perspective. Intrinsically, you want to optimize the quality of your day, and becoming aware of its purpose is the means to get there.

I apply this practice right after my morning meditation. This grounds me in a still, present state of being and improves the experienced quality of my day. There's nothing that energizes and motivates more than doing something filled with purpose.

You can start today. Sit down, grab a sheet of paper, or write digitally on your favorite device. Then answer: What's the purpose of today?