Creative vs. Competitive Mindset

Aug 14, 2024

There are two mindsets you can have in the world: the creative and the competitive. The creative mindset is based on abundance; there is always more to evolve towards. The competitive mindset is based on scarcity; to get something, you need to beat someone else.

We all start out with the competitive mindset. Our world is designed to teach us the ideas of competition as a means to motivate performance and ambition. It's a process to optimize the economic output we create as a society. Deeply rooted in our existence is the idea of comparison. Making a million dollars in an exit is impressive, but not if your old friend from school made more. We are stuck comparing, competing, and believing that there's not enough for everyone, so we must beat others to be successful in this world.

Fortunately, the world doesn't need to be this way. There is a creative mindset we can evolve towards. We can believe that in this world, which is ultimately created by thoughts arising from our infinite imagination, there's always more to be gained. For me to be successful, I don't need to beat you. Our ideas of success are different. All we do is an expression of evolving as humans. The creative mindset is the state in which you can have genuine, new ideas about how something could be better, rooted in the belief that there is always more. You don't need to compare; instead, you can focus on yourself.

I'm not here to judge one mindset over the other. But I can speak to my experience of the competitive mindset being a curse that causes unhappiness, poor life decisions, and ego-driven actions rooted in scarcity and fear. To me, a better way to live life is with the creative mindset. This is where I can envision possibilities, act from a place of abundance and courage, and put my faith in my experience in this world, believing that everything will be alright in the end. The choice is yours.