Creative Chaos

Jan 17, 2025

Creatives are often the most disciplined people you can find. They rely on routine, order, and perseverance to push through resistance and tackle the work in front of them, time and time again. Without this unwavering commitment, they would never create the remarkable work they’re capable of.

Yet there is also a crucial element of chaos. Equally important as an antidote to routine is embracing moments of spontaneity. Sometimes you need to break out of the schedule and let things unfold. Maybe a two-hour studio session turns into a marathon that lasts all night, or a random chat evolves into a deep conversation about life. These are the moments where serendipity and magic emerge—and they hold real value in the creative process.

Like everything in life, it’s about finding the right balance. If you swing too far in either direction, you risk avoiding the work that truly matters.